We have faith that a society grounded in the principles of justice is possible. But to get there, we have to tackle the issues that impact our communities and ensure that elected leaders are held accountable for advancing a progressive policy agenda that addresses the underlying, structural barriers to equality. These are the issues we’ll stay focused on - a roadmap for change.
Our collective voice can’t be heard if it’s muzzled. The key to repairing our broken political system includes electing candidates who are committed to real change on our issues. But we must do more to expand voting rights and access to the ballot. to expand access. All members of our community deserve a say—including the formerly incarcerated. And we must bring an end to a corrupt campaign finance system that benefits corporations over citizens. Check out our detailed proposal on how we make this real in our full policy brief:
With little to no justice in the current system, our communities have fallen victim to a failed drug war that’s produced over-incarceration. We need major shifts at every level—police departments, courts and local government—to turn things around. Check out our detailed proposal on how we make this real in our full policy brief:
Our economy needs a total overhaul. Racial, gender and wealth gaps need to be closed. We need a sound structure that ensures equal opportunity as well as we housing, workplace and financial security in our communities. Check out our detailed proposal on how we make this real in our full policy brief: